Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Great Day!

I've been dragging my feet about this for a month, and finally decided to take a leap.  Something special happened on May 10, and for a reason I'm not sure of, I've been dragging my feet about sharing it.  I wasn't sure if it was okay, or I was afraid to jinx the "good luck" - I'm not sure.  As a trained archaeologist, I shouldn't be superstitious, but I'll admit when the chips are down I knock on wood with the best of them.  At any rate, I received (and signed and returned) a contract for my novel Ghost Walk from 4RV Publishing.  I've sent them all the requisite material, photos, bio, etc., and now I'm waiting to be contacted by the editor assigned to me so we can begin the process of copy editing, and then - publication!!!  This is exciting, and I'm looking for the day I can say, "My book is for sale at . . . "

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