Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Hallowe'en!

"Trick or Treat!" That's what the doctor who scheduled my daughter's first ever colonoscopy for today told her!  I like a doctor with a sense of humor.  It's been a great week so far - other than that.  

We are bearing down on the end of the dreaded process called "copy editing" without too much gnashing of teeth or pulling of hair -- shooting for a publication date of early next year.  Thus far, I've written 15 chapters of the sequel - which really stunk the first time I subbed it!  For now I've had to shelve my favorite project, an historical memoir of my grandparents' pioneering experiences in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas.

Now, let me get to the only reason I intended to blog this morning.  I want to recommend the best free writing workshop you'll ever find.  It's called the Internet Writing Workshop, and it's offered by Penn State University at absolutely no cost to you, except what you're willing to put into it!  I assure you there will be pulling of hair, gnashing of teeth, and the sacrifice of your babies!  I also assure you it is worth well more than the cost.

Trick or treat!

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